The intent of the Electronic Library is to house documents, books, articles, and periodicals relative to the teaching and believes of our faith. All considered publications, will be reviewed by Shamasha Dan Daniel to ensure their validity, quality of contents, authenticity, and their value added benefits. Published documents will be available for viewing, and or printing. Documents will be encrypted using Adobe format; and user must have had Adobe Reader installed on their computer prior to the viewing or printing these documents. For your convenience Adobe URL web site is provided.
The initial aim of these documents would be to archive and save old church publications; which can be an instrument to "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning" (Prov 9:9)
Your Brother in Christ
Shamasha Dan Daniel
Please send all your comments and suggestions to:
Shamasha Dan Daniel
Born of the spirit 03/10/2007,11:50 174.48 Kb
Christ two attributes 14/10/2007,05:51 81.36 Kb
Faith 05/09/2007,05:09 411.81 Kb
Friend of God 03/10/2007,11:51 222.01 Kb
Grace 16/06/2007,16:13 324.43 Kb
Holy man interpertation from saint issac sayings backup 03/12/2007,03:10 237.59 Kb
Knowledge of faith per issac 03/12/2007,03:07 356.36 Kb
Laws to live by 05/09/2007,05:14 107.60 Kb
Lust and sin 05/09/2007,04:44 167.31 Kb
Man as body soul and spirit 28/10/2007,07:04 218.55 Kb
Obedient unto death 01/11/2007,17:01 70.96 Kb
Power_of_prayer 16/06/2007,16:23 326.19 Kb
Prayer of a father 19/10/2007,04:35 106.81 Kb
Real_spiritual_presence 06/10/2007,08:20 245.49 Kb
Sheep of christ 05/09/2007,05:02 351.37 Kb
Soraya a bequeated name 21/10/2007,08:08
Beatitude of Virtue 18/05/2008,06:54 41.99 Kb
Elucidation of the holy qurbana 19/10/2007,04:33 410.89 Kb
holy_qurbana 16/06/2007,16:27 4.07 Mb
Lord_prayer 16/06/2007,16:18 54.42 Kb
love_of_friends 19/05/2008,23:22 78.19 Kb
Nicene_creed 16/06/2007,15:42 61.17 Kb
Order_of_baptism 18/06/2007,04:20 2.16 Mb
Order_of_burial_service 18/06/2007,04:26 3.27 Mb
order_of__marriage 03/06/2008,05:26 1.73 Mb
Prayer book of ramsha and sapra 03/10/2007,10:58 1.78 Mb
Prayers_of_goodfriday_and_eastervigil 16/06/2007,16:24 633.58 Kb
Propitiation_prayer 16/06/2007,16:11 902.84 Kb
Rogation of the ninevites 20/10/2007,06:39 927.27 Kb
The angelic hymn 05/09/2007,04:57 53.22 Kb
Be at peace with your own soul 03/12/2007,03:13 53.46 Kb
Ephrem_christ_as_light_in_mary_and_in_the_jordan 18/06/2007,04:18 118.10 Kb
Ephrem Disputation between Death_and Satan 29/03/2007,07:06 118.09 Kb
Ephrem dying testament 10/11/2007,14:49 73.55 Kb
Ephrem eyes that are blind 29/03/2007,07:14 122.09 Kb
Ephrem_false_christ 18/06/2007,04:17 33.32 Kb
Ephrem Joy at the Resurrection 29/03/2007,07:19 132.99 Kb
Ephrem Mysteries of the Eucharist 29/03/2007,07:20 128.85 Kb
Ephrem On Human Language about God 29/03/2007,07:01 116.59 Kb
Ephrem prayer before one sleeps 05/09/2007,04:55 100.49 Kb
Ephrem Satans complaint 29/03/2007,07:30 144.09 Kb
Ephrem slothfulness 10/11/2007,14:48 74.26 Kb
Ephrem the eucharistic marriage feast 29/03/2007,07:01 116.59 Kb
Ephrem_the_paradoxes_of_the_incarnation 18/06/2007,04:16 165.83 Kb
Ephrem the return of assyrians to assyria 05/09/2007,05:16 21.59 Kb
Ephrem_the_return_of_assyrians_to_assyria 18/06/2007,04:14 38.32 Kb
1.1The is the fast of the First Born, the first of His victories.Let us rejoice in His coming; for in fasting He has overcome.Though He could have overcome by any means,He revealed for us the strength hidden in fasting, Overcomer of All.For by means of it a man can overcome that one who with fruit overcame Adam;He became greedy and gobbled it. Blessed is the First-Born who encompassedOur weakness with the wall of His great fasting.Res:Blessed is the King who adorned the Holy Church with Fasting, Prayer and Vigil.1.2This is the fast which exalts; which appeared from the First BornSo as to extol the younger ones. There is occasion for delight for the discerning ones in fasting;When one sees how much he has grown. Fasting secretly purifies the soulSo it can gaze on God and grow by the vision of Him.For the weight that is from the earth, bends it back to the earth.Blessed is he who gave us fasts,The sheer wings by which we fly to him.1.3Fasting is bright and beautiful for any who bright enoughTo gaze on God. The Turbid One, stirred up by anythingCannot fix the eye on that Clear One. He who possesses a clear eyeHe can gaze upon Him; as much as it is given to him to gaze.Instead of the clarifying wine, let us clarify our thoughtSo that we will be able to see the Clear OneWho overcame the Evil One by means of fasting, that Disturber of All.1.4This is the fast through which greed escapesThe peoples at the top of the mountain; clothed in fasting He overcame the Greedy One.Who had clothed himself with the food of Adam's house.The Lord of Victories gave us His weapon, He ascended on high to be an observer.Who would not run to the weapon by which God overcameIt is a shameful thing, my brothers, to be bested by the weaponWhich overcomes and causes to overcome all creation.1.5Because the enemy is not visible, let us purge our thinking so that he sees that we see him.He is able to steal some of those whom he seesThat they have not noticed him.When a soul undertakes a fast,The the fast bears it and gives it back to its counterpart.Amid the volleys of sharpened arrows, hidden from view, the hidden eyeIs polished to see from whence they come.1.6This is the instructive fast, it teaches the athlete the ways of the contest.Draw near to it, study, learn to struggle shrewdly.Behold He instructed us to fast with our mouths and hearts,Let us not fast from bread and think thoughtsIn which the hidden poison of death is hidden.Let us confess on the fast day the First BornWho gave us the word of life to meditate on.
1.7Let the scriptures be for us like a mirror, let us see in them our fastFor the Bible descriminates between fasts and prayer.It chooses one type of fast and rejects anotherSome fasters appease God and others anger Him.There is a prayer which is sinful, and another which is the medicine of lifeO Lord let us rejoice in our fastAs he rejoiced, my brothers, in his own fast.1.8The fast is not defiling for the Holy One, for through it He descended and shoneAnother mixing made the fast defiled, though itself is pure.Examine nature! Are not desirable fruitPolluted by loathsome fruit?Our thoughts are repelled by them though they be washed many times.Blessed is the Pure One who receives those fruitsWhich all the penitent having purified them give to Him.1.9The Troubler mixes filth with our Clarity,So as to make the first-fruits of our prayer and fasting hateful.It is possible by his jealousy, that our gift be rebuked.Take away your deceits from your fasts, remove mockery from your praise.May your voices wash your mouths from lies.Allow us, O First Born in your mercyTo uproot hidden weeds from our thoughts1.10Do not be hindered O Simple Ones regarding that Deceiver who robs Fasters.For when he sees someone abstaining from bread,He is filled with anger. When he sees someone standing to prayHe fills his mind with one distraction after another.He steals from his heart the prayer of his mouth,O Lord of ours give us an eye to see,How he steals the truth in deceit.1.11Come be gathered, my brothers, on this fast day let us sit and marvel at how evil is the Evil OneWhen he makes a transaction (gives and takes), he impoverishes us by what is his.And does he become wealthy through what is ours; the truth that he steals suits him not.The deceit he gives to us does not avail.It is similar to the whore his companion, who is neither ours nor his.Judge O Lord, between us and him,For it is through you that Solomon judged the unclean women.1.12Let us seek the trace of truth on the fast day; Let us go forth by it to the place of abodesFor the Blind People run, on a fast day with pride and wanderingThough there is a fast in their mouth, yet an idol is in the heart;Prayer is on their lips, but divination in their heartTheir stomach is devoid of bread, but full of lies;Though they wash their hands all day,Hidden blood still screams against them.1.13Blessed is He who endured and sustained and His head is crowned in exaltation.With a bold voice, as one who deserves a payment, He demands His wageHe is not like me, who is too weak to fast, too lowly for the vigilThe first to be overcome. My enemy possesses skillWhen he overcomes me, he lets me rise that he might again cast me low.O Sea of mercies give me a handful of mercies
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