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Chapter 4- About Son, The Second Qnuma of Holy Trinity

  • 61. Q. Who is the second, qnuma of the Holy Trinity?
    A. The second qnuma of the Holy Trinity is the Son, God.
  • 62. Q. Is He known by this name only?
    A. No. He is called by various names.
  • 63. Q. Can you mention the important ones among them?
    A. Yes. (1) The Son of God, (2) The Son of Man, (3) Lord,
    (4) The Word of God, (5) Messiah or Christ, (6) Jesus,
    (7) Emmanuel, meaning 'God with us',
    (8) the only Begotten Son of God.
  • 64. Q. Why is He called 'the Son of God?
    A. He is called 'the' Son of God' because He
    was born of the Father before all worlds and
    because He is Very God of Very God.
  • 65. Q. Can you prove this from the Holy Scriptures?
    A. God the Father Himself testifies that "This
    is my beloved Son in whom I am well
    pleased". (Matt. 3:17; PeaL 2:7).
  • 66. Q.Why is He called 'the Son of' Man'?
    A. He is called 'the Son of Man’ because He
    assumed the complete nature of Man and
    became a true man.
  • 67. Q. Is it right to call Him "the Lord"?
    A. Yes, Without a shadow of doubt. He is
    Almighty just like the Father and is the
    King of all the creations. (Acts 2:34, 36;
    Matt. 22:42-45; Ephe. 1: 20-22).
  • 68. Q. 'We call Him " the Word of God." What does it prove ?
    A. Just as: a man's words reveal his secret
    thoughts, He reveals to us the deep thoughts
    of the Father. "No man "hath seen God at
    any time; the only Begotten Son, which is
    in the bosom of the Father, He hath de-
    clared Him," and such other things are
    written about Him. (John 1:1, 2, 18; Heb. 1:13).
  • 69. Q. How did He do this?
    A. He did this in secret by the creation of the
    world and in the Church of Jews hy Prophe-
    cies, but in these last days to us by His Son. (Heb. 1:1,2).
  • 70. Q. What is the meaning of the word 'Messiah' or 'Christ'?
    A. That means 'the One Anointed'.
  • 71. Q. Why is He called thus?
    A. He is so called because He was anointed by
    the Holy Spirit to be our prophet, priest and
    king. It is written about Him "...........God,
    thy God, .hath anointed thee with the oil of
    gladness above thy fellows." (Psl. 45:7; Acts 10:38).
  • 72. Q. How do you know that this is said about Messiah ?
    A. I know this because our Lord Jesus Christ
    Himself has said so (Luke 4:18, 21, 22).
  • 73. Q. Why is He called 'Eshoo' or 'Jesus'?
    A. It was the Commandment of God the Lord.
    (Luke 1:31; Matt. 1:21) Besides, just as
    Joshua (Esboo Bar Noon) saved the Israe-
    lites and made them inherit Cannan, He also
    saves us from our sins and admits us into heaven.
  • 74. Q. Is He not called 'Emmanuel'† meaning 'God with us'?
    A. Yes. He is called Emmanuel.
  • 75. Q. Why is He called by this name?
    A. Because He truly took our human nature
    (Phili. 2:6, 9; Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23).
  • 76. Q. What is the reason for calling Him 'the Only Begotten Son of God'?
    A. The Father has not begotten another son.
    It is written: ".......God so loved the world
    that He gave 'His only Begotten Son' that
    whoever believeth in Him should not perish,
    but have everlasting life." (John 3 :16).
  • 77. Q. But did you not once assert that we too
    are sons of God, the Father?
    A. But it is in another way. Our, Lord is of
    one nature with His- Father and we are sons
    only by adoption,
  • 78. Q. How could you prove this?
    A. Christ has never said to His disciples "Our
    Father", but has always used the terms 'My
    Father and your Father' (John 20:17).
  • 79. Q. How is our Lord designated in the Nicean Creed?
    A. He is therein called 'Very God of Very God'.
  • 80. Q. What is the meaning of 'Very God of Very God'?
    A. That means true God, born of the Father,
    equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit and
    at no time an incomplete God.
  • 81. Q. Can you prove this from Scriptures?
    A. Yes, Christ says 'I and my Father are one
    in accord' (John 10:30), "My Father is in
    Me and I am in Him " (John 10:38) and " he
    who sees Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).
  • 82. Q. Has there been a time when there was no Son?
    A. No, Never, The Son is everlasting (infinite)
    just like the Father and the Holy Spirit.
  • 83. Q. How do you know this ?
    A. It is written as His Holy words that "I am
    Alap and Tow, the beginning and the end,
    the first and the last" (Rev. 22:13), and
    that "I am Alap and Tow, the beginning and
    the ending says the Lord God, who is, and
    who was, and who is to come, the Almighty"
    (Rev. 1:8). Besides those, it is recorded about
    Him that, "In the beginning was the "Word"
    and the like (John 1 :1-5).
  • 84.Q.Is Christ (Messiah) Almighty?
    A. Yes, Christ is Almighty (I Cor. 8:6) for
    He is God and not like other people, but in
    His own strength He worked miracles.
  • 85. Q. Is the Son also the Creator?
    A. Yes, It is written about Him "Everything
    came to be by His hand; and without Him
    not even one thing came to be of what was
    created" (John 1:3).

† Aramic original "Amman-Hoo-Eel".


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